Customer-owned generation

Application for review of interconnection
I (“Owner”) request Lincoln Electric System (“LES”) to review this application for interconnection of a customer-owned generation device(s).
Address where device sited
Type of interconnection
Renewable generation with production capacity of 25 kWAC or less, in conjunction with a retail load. Renewable generation includes solar, wind, hydro and electric generators powered by biomass, methane or waste technologies. (See Sample One-Line Diagram – Net Metering.)
Renewable generation with production capacity of greater than 25 kWAC and up to 100 kWAC. Renewable generation includes solar, wind, hydro and electric generators powered by biomass, methane or waste technologies.
Cogeneration and small power production facilities with production capacity of 100 kWAC and less that qualify under the guidelines for implementing Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) Sections 201 and 210 as adopted by the LES Administrative Board.
Any generator, excluding emergency/standby, seeking interconnection to the LES system in excess of 100 kWAC.
Emergency or standby generation typically includes generators used to provide backup power for emergency, legally required standby, optional standby or critical operations power systems. This type of generation is generally only allowed to operate in parallel with LES for periodic testing purposes.
For Emergency and Standby Generation, please also further identify the type of interconnection:


Fuel/energy source
Solar Panel
Generator and prime mover
(If applicable)
Character of service
(Maximum net generation capacity (kWAC) to be delivered at LES/owner interface, after accounting for losses, auxiliary load, etc.)
Provide specifications as applicable
(If applicable)
Emergency and standby generation
Provide specifications as applicable
(If applicable)
If applicable
Type of solar photovoltaic facility
Fixed orientation direction
Tracking axis
Attach the following to the application:
  • Specification documents for each piece of equipment listed in the above Interconnection section, including:
    • Generation source 
    • Disconnect switch 
    • Interconnection breaker 
    • Interconnection relay
    • Other related equipment (if applicable)
  • A detailed electrical diagram(s) of the generating equipment, transfer equipment, protective features, and proposed interconnection to LES with the location of a lockable disconnect located between the generator and the electric meter. The lockable disconnect must be located as close as possible and within line of sight to the electric meter, or in a mutually agreed upon location, and in a location which is accessible to LES personnel.
Attach the following to the application:
  • Specification documents for each piece of equipment listed in the above Interconnection section, including:  
    • Generation source
    • Disconnect Switch 
    • Transfer Switch 
    • Interconnection Breaker 
    • Interconnection Relay Control (for Interconnection Types 3 and 4 only)
    • Other related equipment (if applicable)
  • Documentation listing the proposed Interconnection Relay Control settings that will be utilized for this installation (for Interconnection Types 3 and 4 only).
  • A detailed electrical diagram(s) of the generating equipment, transfer equipment, protective features, and proposed interconnection to LES with the location of a lockable disconnect located between the generator and the electric meter. The lockable disconnect must be located as close as possible and within line of sight to the electric meter, or in a mutually agreed upon location, and in a location which is accessible to LES personnel.
  • A One-Line drawing of the electrical distribution system for the building being served by this generation source, which in addition to the “normal” power distribution, also shows each of the components listed above.
  • A site plan and a building plan, showing the physical location of each of the components listed above in or adjacent to the building and on the site.
Maximum 10 files.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png.

Power Review Board

If applicable, submit Nebraska Power Review Board approval or exemption documentation no later than 30 days prior to construction. Contact the Nebraska Power Review Board at 402.471.2301 for procedures to seek approval or exemption for your project.

Generation in excess of 100 kWAC

If the interconnection has the potential to impact the bulk transmission system, the Owner may be required to follow the applicable Southwest Power Pool (SPP) interconnection process. In this event an LES application is not required and the related SPP regulations shall control.

If the interconnection is determined to follow the LES process and relates to generation in excess of 100 kW, LES will conduct or review power system studies needed to substantiate system impact, reliability, and capability of the system with the addition of the proposed interconnection. The Owner and LES shall also complete and enter into a Study Deposit Agreement for Generating Facilities in Excess of 100 kWAC. LES will reach out to you to complete this agreement when required.
I acknowledge that I will not proceed with the installation of equipment until I have received written confirmation from LES that such installation can proceed. It is further understood that I must comply with any local, state, and federal ordinances, codes, and regulations. I understand that the LES review of design specifications and drawing or on-site inspections shall not be construed as approvals as to compliance with any such regulations, codes, and/or ordinances. This includes, but is not limited to, environmental laws and regulations, safety laws, building and construction codes, local safety, health, and industrial regulations or codes. I acknowledge that I will adhere to all applicable requirements established by LES. I will supply to LES any other data concerning this installation should such be requested. I understand that if I make any changes to the equipment contained in the specifications attached to this application that I must submit these to LES for subsequent approval.
Owner information
Installer information